Dr. Artem Volosniev, postdoc

E-mail: artem.volosniev@ist.ac.at

Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Am Campus 1
3400 Klosterneuburg

Curriculum Vitae in pdf
IST Research Explorer

I spent most of my childhood hanging around in Slavyansk – a small town in Ukraine. Theoretical Physics won me over only after I moved to Kharkiv to study for a university degree. My life as a scientist commenced in 2010 when I started as a PhD student at the Aarhus University (Denmark). My research there was focused on few-body physics in cold atomic gases. After graduating, I experienced a possible solution to a two-body problem in physics – I got attracted by my wife to Darmstadt (Germany). TU Darmstadt gave me the opportunity to learn about recent developments in nuclear physics. Later I attempted to apply some of that knowledge to solving problems relevant for cold atomic gases.

Since October 2019 I am an ISTplus postdoctoral fellow hosted by the Theoretical Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics group led by Prof. M. Lemeshko.